Tuesday, March 17, 2009

March 17, 2009

I have finished my second day of my 2nd student teaching placement. I am in the reading room and I am loving every minute of it. I absolutely love having small groups, and that I am not with the same class all day. It is fun to greet new faces, and the kids here are adorable and so nice! One little girl who I don't even know came up and hugged me today..haha I just hugged her back and in my head I was thinkin..who is this child! It will be interesting to see what happens when I get some more control and start teaching.

Oh and I have learned a few new things about brain exercises and neuro feedback, yea it is all very interesting and new, but it is cool to learn about! Oh and they have smart boards here, those things are amazing! Well that is all for now....probably my last update for awhile, I don't have too many interesting stories.....

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Art Project: Paper Bag Puppets

Well I know that I have been done with my first session student teaching for awhile now, but I forgot to upload some of the last pictures I had taken! :) I wanted you all to see how very talented and gifted my students are, they are such great artists!