Friday, January 23, 2009

Here I am again! The end of my third week, well I have made it this far and there is no turning back now I guess! :) So this week was pretty trying for me, I am now teaching Math, Bible, and Science. My Science unit on matter is now finished and I am moving onto Social Studies, which will be about map skills..oh the fun 2nd graders have. Anywho MATH...I HATE MATH, or maybe I just hate the textbook this school uses. Anywho I just had to get that out. Actually I don't mind teaching math, but so far I have been teaching the 2nd graders about telling time, it had been going okay, and I had been drilling them throughout the week having them practice on little clocks while I give them times to find, but some of them just do not get for example, this one little girl thinks it is 1:1 when the hour hand is on the one and the minute hand is on the one. I have tried to explain to her that you count around the clock by 5's, but she still doesn't get it, finally after drilling her today over and over again it seems like she is getting it, but I had to sit with her for over a half hour, ignoring the other is hard to because some of the other kids are done with their math worksheets in like 10 minutes while it takes others 45 minutes, what do you do with the ones that get done, well most of those kids are excellent mathmaticians so they have special math folders that they can work on or they read a book, but I would like to be able to move on once every one is done..ANYWHO and THEN today I had to teach about quarter after, quarter this is way to hard of a concept for 2nd graders. They did not get it at all, plus who really says at 6:40, oh it is 20 minutes to 7, I don' I don't see how they will really use it anyways, however I do think that quarter to and quarter after is pretty important..I just somehow have to get it across to them how that works..yea..good luck with that I say!

Oh and then there is Bible, these kids are so bored with Bible stories, probably because they have heard most of them a million times :) I mean I love the Bible and I want to learn more about God, but it is so hard to teach Bible because you can't act out the stories every day, but you do want to have some variation as well, and you want them to learn the important messages that come out. I had a lot of fun with the Bible story today though, and I really think the kids did too, we acted out the story of The Centurion who had faith that God could heal his servant from a distance, either way they were excited about it and I think it will overall help them remember the story better :) OKAY well it has been a busy day, I hope all is well in Florida, California, and DES MOINES, :) I miss seeing each of you every day! Oh and I loveeee loveee loveeee all your stories! Can't wait to hear more!!! That's all for now!

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